With so many moving parts in personal finance, it can be tough to know where you stand. By calculating your net worth at least once a year, you can get a snapshot of your progress and better identify areas that might need some work.
echnologies. Digital payment apps are no exception. With their use becoming increasingly a part of our everyday life, knowing the steps for safeguarding your information and maintaining control of your money is essential.
Buying a home in an area of natural beauty can be a gift but also carry a sting in the tail if the area is prone to natural disaster. Despite the risks, picture-perfect locations are a perennial draw and people continue to move into risky areas.
your spending limits now and top up savings for gifts, activities, and travel. Calculate how much you’ll need for each category and divide by how many months you have left. Then have that amount deposited automatically into the respective accounts.
Buying a home in an area of natural beauty can be idyllic. But also risky. Locations at higher risk of natural disaster can make insurance difficult and costly to obtain. And increasingly so, because natural disasters are increasingly common and severe. Tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods are all expected to rise in frequency, intensity, and duration in the coming years. Those impacted and without loss of use coverage or inadequate coverage may find themselves seeking temporary housing from local disaster relief charities or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Excited as we are with Tulee, it’s just part of our long-term plan for members, and I’m glad to report that we’re well on track. Recently we had a banking econometrics expert review and analyze our performance over the last four years to help identify how we could improve compared to the rest of the credit union industry. A byproduct of this was a set of metrics that compared us to industry performance averages.
means new found independence from parents!). Moving into your own space for the first time, or to a new apartment, can be exciting but can also be nerve-racking because of all uncertainty and variables. Unfortunately, in many cases, listings are aimed at nothing more than separating apartment hunters from their money.
Filing for Social Security benefits as soon as you can may seem like a good idea at first. The money is there, for the taking, and it is likely a substantial addition to your monthly budget. But be careful: When you decide to file for your benefits is one of the most critical financial decisions of your life.
Airfare to air fryers. Thai food to tie clips. Memorabilia to memory foam. You can purchase just about anything these days with a buy now, pay later (BNPL) plan. In 2022 alone, consumers in the US bought around $250 billion in goods using BNPLs. The allure of making a small initial payment and splitting the remaining obligation into a series of automatic withdrawals is undeniable. The question remains: Is this a smart way to gain spending flexibility or a tool rife for accumulating bad debt?