Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Browsing: Keeping Your Money Safe

It’s really important to keep your money and identity safe. Learn how to take steps to protect your online accounts, avoid scams, and protect your business from fraud.

Farmers Agents
6 Reasons Now Is The Time To Buy Office Space

The interest rate roller coaster may finally drop this year. If you feel rates will decline soon, the time to begin taking action to buy office space is now. There is still abundant office space, with the U.S. vacancy rate hovering at 20 percent, motivating sellers to cut their losses and giving you more bargaining power.*

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Keeping Your Money Safe
5 Tips For Avoiding Scams During Summer And All Year Long

Summer should be a carefree time filled with sun, fun, family getaways, and barbecuing with friends. However, remember, scammers and fraudsters never take a vacation. They understand that while you’re focusing on having a good time, you may be less vigilant about protecting your account, debit, and credit card information. To help keep your guard up, here are three common scams to watch out for and actions you can take to help protect your personal information and funds throughout summer and all year long. Read More.

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Keeping Your Money Safe
Real Information About Imposter Scams

Imagine this. It’s a lovely spring Saturday. You’re enjoying time in the sun when you get a text from your bank asking you to confirm a recent wire transfer or suspicious or unauthorized activity. You then receive a phone call from what appears to be your bank. The individual on the phone, who you assume is from your bank, texts you a code and then asks you to share it with them to verify it’s you. They say all looks good. They thank you for your time. And you go back to your lazy, sunny afternoon. Read more.

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