Are you expecting a substantial income tax refund this year? If so, you are in the majority, with the average refund being around $3,000 according to the IRS. Rather than having those dollars become a part of your regular spending routine, get the most out of your cash.
Spring is finally here. Even the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, predicted an early spring this year. Use the start of this season of new hope and possibilities to refresh your thinking and review your withholding information when you do your taxes.
The 2×2 System is where you set aside two hours on the calendar two times a month to complete a predetermined financial task. This modest but consistent effort can help you sustain financial health and build wealth in bite-sized chunks.
The holiday lights and decorations are tucked away in your attack or garage. Holiday music has stopped playing at your local mall. You’re no longer scouring the internet or stores for the perfect gift. And all the holiday guests have left. Phew! Let’s talk about the 2024 holiday season. Now is the perfect time to start saving money for this year’s end-of-year celebrations.
We hope you received everything you hoped for during the holiday season. If not, it’s time to give yourself a gift that keeps giving: The gift of saving money. On the surface, it may not sound as exciting as what was on your holiday wish list, but it’s a habit that can help you.
If you rely on gas to heat your home or business, the expense can be significant. In winter, you’re heating the premises, and in summer cooling them off, not to mention year-round need for hot water. But there are some ways to reduce your costs. Here are nine ideas to help you save money on your future gas bills.
Winter is here. And with it, shorter days, colder temperatures, and increased electricity usage and pricing. Electricity costs can quickly add up and become a significant expense for many households, especially when energy demand is high.
Start 2024 with these resolutions to help you lead your best financial life this year. Don’t worry, there’s nothing too dramatic, just easy-to-achieve ideas we know you can put into practice right now. Get the resolutions.
We’re in the final weeks of the holiday shopping season. You have a gift for everyone on your list. Well, almost everyone. There always seems to be one or two hard-to-buy-for people. Or people you want to acknowledge, but getting something too personal may not be appropriate. Gift cards have become the go-to gift for many of us. In fact, according to WalletHub, sales of gift cards are expected to reach $204 billion this year.
You’ve made your holiday shopping list. Before you head out to the stores or log on to your favorite shopping site, we suggest you add something else to your list: a holiday spending check-in.