Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Credit Union News
Transferring Money Made Easy!

An unexpected auto repair bill. A higher than planned credit card bill. Tuition is due. There are a variety of reasons why you may need to transfer money around your Credit Union accounts or to a family member or friend. Regardless of the reason, the process should be quick and easy.

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Financial Wellness
9 Reasons To Start Saving For The Holidays Today

The holiday lights and decorations are tucked away in your attack or garage. Holiday music has stopped playing at your local mall. You’re no longer scouring the internet or stores for the perfect gift. And all the holiday guests have left. Phew! Let’s talk about the 2024 holiday season. Now is the perfect time to start saving money for this year’s end-of-year celebrations.

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Financial Wellness
Give Yourself The Gift Of Savings

We hope you received everything you hoped for during the holiday season. If not, it’s time to give yourself a gift that keeps giving: The gift of saving money. On the surface, it may not sound as exciting as what was on your holiday wish list, but it’s a habit that can help you.

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Nine Ways To Save Money On Your Natural Gas Bill

If you rely on gas to heat your home or business, the expense can be significant. In winter, you’re heating the premises, and in summer cooling them off, not to mention year-round need for hot water. But there are some ways to reduce your costs. Here are nine ideas to help you save money on your future gas bills.

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