Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Shop Small Business Saturday. Giving Tuesday. Christmas. Hanukkah. Kwanzaa. How’s your budget? Allow us to flip the script from spending to saving. Read more.
Continue ReadingBlack Friday. Cyber Monday. Shop Small Business Saturday. Giving Tuesday. Christmas. Hanukkah. Kwanzaa. How’s your budget? Allow us to flip the script from spending to saving. Read more.
Continue ReadingThe end of 2024 is almost here. For some people, the end of the year also marks the conclusion of their working life. Unfortunately, this double milestone is the first time many folks begin considering how they will make ends meet in retirement. Planning for retirement can be challenging. After all, it can feel like there are too many variables. How do you know how much money you’ll need? Read more.
Continue ReadingThe 2×2 System is where you set aside two hours on the calendar two times a month to complete a predetermined financial task. This modest but consistent effort can help you sustain financial health and build wealth in bite-sized chunks. Read more.
Continue ReadingThe holiday season has begun. No doubt you’ve started buying things for family and friends. Before you overspend, take a moment to consider these six creative ways to keep your holiday budget on track. Read more.
Continue ReadingA common tradition for many families coming together around the Thanksgiving table is to share what they are thankful for. Our answer is simple: You. We are thankful you have chosen to be a Member of our Credit Union family. We appreciate you trusting us to help you live your best financial life. Read more.
Continue ReadingImagine this. You’re having lunch with a friend. You describe a movie you saw recently, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t remember the lead actor’s name. Or perhaps you forget to pay a monthly bill. Or the word you want to use is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t seem to get it out. You may be experiencing typical age-related changes. Read more.
Continue ReadingThe 2×2 System is where you set aside two hours on the calendar two times a month to complete a predetermined financial task. This modest but consistent effort can help you sustain financial health and build wealth in bite-sized chunks. Read more.
Continue ReadingImagine this. You’re walking down an aisle at one of your favorite stores or shopping online when you see a special offer, such as buy two, get one free. Or buy one and get 50% off a second item. It sounds like a great deal, so you put the item in your physical or digital cart as you begin thinking about all the money you’re saving. Before you pull out your wallet, take a moment to ask yourself if you’re really saving or just spaving? Read more.
Continue ReadingIn the spirit of Halloween, we present a ghost story or, rather, a cautionary lesson. Come, gather around. Grab a warm blanket. Read more.
Continue ReadingDon’t buy what you can’t afford. Sounds simple, right? Well, sort of. While restricting spending to what you bring home in a paycheck is the foundation of sound money management, doing it can be difficult. The reasons are many, but primary among them is the popular idea that living in debt is acceptable. However, this is a dangerous way to view your finances. Read more.
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