Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Credit Union News Laura Campbell Money Matters
Message From Our CEO

These days, as you might imagine, the Credit Union spends a lot of time trying to help our member-family address the immediate effects of inflation. Today I’d like to focus on this, and also touch on how we keep our eye on the longer-term: how we help members plan for a financially independent “happily ever after.” Also, a bit of news on a big initiative we’re working on for you.

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Financial Wellness
RX For Financial Health

Taking care of your health and going to the doctor for regular check-ups is something most of us take for granted. So why is talking about financial health considered a taboo subject so often? Especially when, according to the Financial Health Network, only 34% of U.S. households are financially healthy.

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When To Call In A Professional?

Contemplating a home improvement project? You are not alone. Millions of other homeowners do this every year, taking a critical look at their surroundings and thinking about what they could do to make their properties better. There are many important benefits to a home improvement project, from enhancing the look and mood of a space with a lighting upgrade to improving living space by turning that dark, dank basement into a rec room.

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Family Matters
Back-to-School Shopping

ou’ve procrastinated over doing your child’s back-to-school shopping because inflation has made the task seem about as fun as a trip to the dentist, you might be in luck. That’s because waiting until after the summer back-to-school sales may help you save

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Financial Wellness
Daily Habits That Make Building Wealth Easier

It is easy to think of wealth as something that happens overnight. The media often emphasizes rags to riches stories, that stock squeeze on Redit that made someone tens of millions of dollar. Or the big kitchen table idea that went on to become a billion dollar business in five years. News sites share stories of happy lottery winners, reports that also overlook the enormous odds ticket buyers face when they lay down their hard-earned money.

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Financial Wellness
Ideas For Vacationing On A Budget

Summer vacations are a great way to create priceless memories and experience new places that you’ll remember forever. From Europe to Fiji, to resorts or campgrounds, everyone vacations differently. And the best part? You don’t have to go halfway across the globe for a quality vacation. If you are still on the fence because inflation is cutting into discretionary spending, you can have a fantastic vacation for a fraction of the price if you do some research and take advantage of offers and deals.

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