Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Financial Wellness
The Five-S Plan for ATM Safety

When it comes to the security of your financial transactions, most of the focus these days is on online scams and theft—and rightly so. But it’s important not to let down your guard at a physical location where your money or information could be vulnerable: ATMs.

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Financial Wellness
Money-Smart Travel Part 1: Save Now, Live It Up Later

When you think about it, planning is one of the best parts of taking an exciting vacation. Putting your dazzling itinerary together and daydreaming about all the amazing things you’ll see can really get the juices flowing. However, if you haven’t planned for the financial impact of your trip, money concerns in the months after your excursion can tarnish your happy memories.

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Keeping Your Money Safe
After Identity Theft Checklist

dentity theft is the crime of obtaining another person’s personal or financial information with the intention of assuming that person’s identity to make purchases or borrow money. If you become a victim of identity theft, you may feel upset and overwhelmed knowing someone has access to your private information. However, remember that recovering from identity theft is possible.

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