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Stop Wasting Money On These Things Now


How often do you take the time to assess your spending habits?

You might be spending money on things you don’t need or don’t use. But, you may not realize where you’re wasting unless you look. Stop wasting money on these 6 things and watch your savings grow!

Underused Subscriptions

Go through your list of subscriptions. If you don’t have a list, take the time to make one. This will help you see exactly what you’re paying for, whether it be subscriptions to software, streaming, or online services. Ask yourself which ones you can eliminate, then cancel them on the spot. This could save you hundreds of dollars each year.

Buying Lunch Every Day

Meal-prepping is a great way to stick to healthy eating or follow a specific diet, but it can also help you stick to your budget. There are even “budget-friendly prep plans” available that help you spend less at the grocery store. The more food you can prepare at home, the better off your food budget will be. If you’re aiming to hit major financial goals this year, going homemade is one of the simplest ways to cut back without making drastic sacrifices.

Disposable Water Bottles

Disposable water bottles aren’t only a waste of your money, they’re bad for the environment. While you get into the habit of meal-prepping and packing your lunch, include a water bottle to avoid grabbing one on your way to work. The savings will add up, allowing you to get closer to your savings goal.


On average, we spend more than $100 a month on cable. Are you getting what you want out of this cable? And, are you also spending on streaming services such as Hulu, Netflix, and HBO? Consider keeping your streaming services and cutting the cable cord to reap major savings over the course of this year.


Americans lead the way when it comes to the amount of food that is tossed out each day (150,000 tons) which is about a pound of food per person each day. That is money that’s just going down the drain! Before you go to the grocery store, think about the meals you’ll make for the week and write down exactly what ingredients you’ll need to make them. When you get to the store, don’t get anything that’s not on your list.

Late Fees

Late fees can really mess up your monthly budget. Plus, there’s the consideration of your credit score; a missed payment can lower it, which affects your ability to borrow money for bigger purchases in the future. Setting up automatic payments online for fixed costs such as insurance, internet, cable, and utilities, you’ll avoid missing a payment. For expenses like rent that can’t be paid online, set up reminders in your phone or calendar and pay them at the same time each month so it becomes routine.

It’s possible you’re spending money on things you don’t really need. Save yourself some money by giving them up and redirecting those dollars toward your savings, retirement, or investment accounts. And be sure to take our Financial Wellness Check to discover low-hanging opportunities to save and earn more money, as well as avoid damaging financial pitfalls. It’s quick, without any commitment—and you won’t regret it! Click on this link to learn more, and book your checkup today.

This article was developed in partnership with Balance Pro.

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