Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Money Matters Laura Campbell Money Matters
Message From Our CEO

We all have habits—things we do routinely. From routines we do in preparation for a big family dinner, such as Thanksgiving, to everyday ones like brushing our teeth. Some habits are good, others, like eating too much junk food, less so. The same logic applies to money management. And, as with all bad habits, breaking them—in this case, changing unhelpful financial habits—can be tough. In fact, you might not even be aware that what you’re doing could be problematic. Here’s a great example of how difficult it can be to recognize or break bad money habits and adopt and sustain good ones.  Read more.

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Financial Wellness
How To Lower The Cost Of A Loan

There are many reasons you may need to borrow money. From tackling big home improvement projects to buying a vehicle to fixing a temporary cash-flow challenge. Reducing the cost of borrowing money is crucial to helping your manage your personal finances. By implementing these ideas, you can lower the cost of a loan by lowering the amount you pay in interest and associated fees.

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Financial Wellness
7 Tips For Ending The Year Financial Fit

October marks the beginning of the fourth fiscal quarter of the year. Called Q4, the period of October, November, and December is a great opportunity to take a close look at your financial health and take action to set yourself up for success in 2025. Here are 7 tips for ending the year financial fit. 

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Farmers Agents
Tips For Avoiding Phone Scams

“Hello, we’ve noted a problem with your account ending in 4321. Can you please give me your Social Security Number so I can verify your identity?” Talk about service, you may think. Your financial institution is calling you to report suspicious activity related to your account. Here’s the problem: There’s been no suspicious activity. The person is not calling from your financial institution. It’s a scam.

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Employee Wellness
It’s Time To Thank An HR Professional

Today, September 26, is Human Resource Professional Appreciation Day. Allow us to take a moment to salute all these individuals for what they do to help people all year long. One of the critical things more and more human resource (HR) professionals have been focusing their efforts on is ways to relieve the financial stress of employees. Read more.

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Money Smarts
How To Increase Your Money Smarts

How would you rate your financial literacy? Are you a money maven, the person all your friends and family turn to for advice? Or are you more of a “as long as the bills are getting paid and I’m saving a bit each month, that’s all I need to know” type of person? According to a recent study, only 57 percent of people in the U.S. are financially literate.* Read more.

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