Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Keeping Your Money Safe
5 Tips For Avoiding Scams During Summer And All Year Long

Summer should be a carefree time filled with sun, fun, family getaways, and barbecuing with friends. However, remember, scammers and fraudsters never take a vacation. They understand that while you’re focusing on having a good time, you may be less vigilant about protecting your account, debit, and credit card information. To help keep your guard up, here are three common scams to watch out for and actions you can take to help protect your personal information and funds throughout summer and all year long. Read More.

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Financial Wellness
7 Ideas For Vacationing On A Budget

Summer vacations are a great way to create priceless memories and experience new places you’ll remember forever. From Europe to Fiji to resorts and campgrounds, everyone vacations differently. And the best part? You don’t have to go halfway around the world to have a great time. If you are still wondering if there’s room in your budget for travel, you can have a fantastic vacation for less if you do a bit of research and take advantage of offers and deals. Read more.

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Keeping Your Money Safe
Real Information About Imposter Scams

Imagine this. It’s a lovely spring Saturday. You’re enjoying time in the sun when you get a text from your bank asking you to confirm a recent wire transfer or suspicious or unauthorized activity. You then receive a phone call from what appears to be your bank. The individual on the phone, who you assume is from your bank, texts you a code and then asks you to share it with them to verify it’s you. They say all looks good. They thank you for your time. And you go back to your lazy, sunny afternoon. Read more.

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Financial Wellness
5 Things To Do With Your Student Loan Forgiveness Money

The news recently has been filled with stories about student loan relief. Last month, the government proposed a plan to erase or lower student loan debt for more than 30 million people. And with the average student loan debt of $38,290 among all borrowers and a total loan debt in America of a record high of $1.74 trillion, any relief will significantly impact individuals across the country.* Read more.

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Credit Union News Laura Campbell Money Matters
April 2024: Message From Our CEO

Some years, like this one, just seem more eventful than others. Artificial intelligence is reshaping our world rapidly. And the quest to redefine other worlds is picking up, too. It seems like virtually every other month, a new mission takes off for the moon in anticipation of setting up permanent bases and, one day, colonies. Credit Union branches in space – now there’s an intriguing thought! 

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