Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Browsing: Family

Manage your family finances better with practical, easy-to-follow tips from the Credit Union.

Family Matters
Give Smartly During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with family and friends. To take a pause and show appreciation and gratitude. As we each take stock of our bounty, we encourage you to look outward to those in need. There are many trustworthy charitable organizations that work tirelessly all year to benefit those in your community, across the nation, and internationally.

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Family Matters
Holiday Card Art Contest: Calling All Young Artists

Sending family and friends a holiday card is one of the best parts of the season. It’s a beautiful tradition that helps us connect and reconnect with those we care about and people we may have lost touch with. How popular are holiday cards? According to Hallmark, in the U.S., approximately 1.3 billion holiday cards are sent annually.

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Family Matters
Planning For A Successful Long-Distance Move

Moving is rough and considered one of the most stressful experiences people can go through. That stress can intensify when moving thousands of miles across the country. You may need to move for work or family obligations, or maybe your company is making remote work permanent and you can live in an idyllic hideaway.

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Financial Wellness
How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill: Ten Tips for Saving Money

You’re probably groaning in frustrated agreement already. Electricity costs can quickly add up and become a significant expense for many households, especially when energy demand is high. With the cost of electricity constantly rising, finding ways to reduce your electricity bill is crucial. Luckily, there are many simple and effective ways to save money on electricity. Here are ten tips to help you save money on your electricity bill and lower your energy costs.

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