Money Matters

Your Credit Union Newsletter

Financial Wellness
Advantages of Online Banking

When you think of things that make your life easier, what comes to mind? Smart phones? Other electronic devices? Household appliances? If you think about it, one of the biggest productivity boosts in the last ten years has been immediate access to your cash, i.e. online banking.  It’s easy. It’s convenient. And it has a lot to offer.

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Financial Wellness
Three Reasons to Always Pay More Than the Minimum

Credit cards are a valuable financial tool for both individuals and businesses, but they come at a price. You get purchasing power on the spot, and the creditor only requires you to pay off a small amount of the total every month, i.e., the minimum amount due. However, it’s important to remember that the minimum is calculated in the best interest of the creditor, which puts you at a disadvantage.

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Homeownership couple in kitchen
How To Compete For Homes In A Tight Market

Houses are rocketing in price and demand has been outpacing supply, spurred on by low interest rates and the fear that they will rise significantly through 2022. This is leaving prospective home buyers scrambling to find something affordable. But there are sensible strategies that can help you stay sane and in the game.

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