Browsing: Taxes
Farmers Agents can make better decisions with their business taxes with these tips.
Financial Wellness
February 23, 2023
Avoid These Tax Blunders
You tear open the letter marked “Internal Revenue Service,” wondering whether it contains an unexpected refund or perhaps a friendly thank you note for filing on time. But, to your dismay, you find that you actually owe hundreds of dollars more than you projected because of a mistake with your tax return. Your heart sinks as you think of all the sacrifices you must make to pay the extra money.
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Financial Wellness
March 31, 2022
The Tax Man Cometh: Quick Tips
Since we all know what the other certainty in life is (death), maybe we shouldn’t be all that upset about the onset of tax season, right? Here are a few tax hacks to dial down the pain.
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Financial Wellness
February 24, 2021
Five Hidden Ways to Boost Your Tax Refund
Tax time is here. Wouldn’t a big fat tax refund come in handy? Boost your tax refund when you file!…Continue Reading
Financial Wellness
January 27, 2021
The Impact of Stimulus Payments on Your Taxes
After a challenging 2020, we are cautiously hoping 2021 will bring a steady return to physical and economic health. Vaccines…Continue Reading
Financial Wellness
July 1, 2020
Financial Triage during a Financial Crisis
With reports of COVID-19 and protests dominating every media outlet, there is no doubt there is a lot on your…Continue Reading
Financial Wellness
February 17, 2020
Tax Benefits For Having Dependents
Kids can be overwhelming when they are cooped up in the house during summer break, but they are also blessed…Continue Reading
Financial Wellness
February 4, 2020
Can You Deduct 401K Savings From Your Taxes?
Contributions to your 401k can reduce your tax liability at the end of the year as well as your tax withholding each pay period.
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Financial Wellness
January 29, 2020
What’s the Difference Between a Tax Credit and a Tax Deduction?
Learn the difference between tax credits and tax deductions so you can save money on your taxes.
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Farmers Agents
January 7, 2020
Tax Tips For The Self-Employed
Whether you’re a seasoned agent, newly self-employed or testing out a side-gig, TurboTax has you covered on tax tips, deductions,…Continue Reading
Farmers Agents
November 12, 2019
I’ve Started My Own Business, Now What?
Congratulations! As you start to find your bearings and navigating your way as a new business owner, it’s important to…Continue Reading