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8 Marketing Tips For Growing Your Insurance Agency In 2024


Have you made your agency improvement New Year’s resolutions? These eight tips (or resolutions) can help your business stand out from the competition, connect with more consumers, grow, and set you up for even greater success in 2024. Have you already made your resolutions? We may cover something you missed. Keep reading, and then start putting these eight growth tips into practice.

1. Look Back to Move Forward

Start this year by looking at last year. How did your marketing campaigns perform? Did the data turn up anything unexpected? What worked and what didn’t? Now’s the time to take a deep dive into the data and analyze the results. Try to understand why specific campaigns or marketing pieces worked and why some didn’t live up to expectations. The goal is simple: Avoid repeating mistakes as you refine and repeat your wins. One way to do so is with a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysis can help you see the big picture of where you are and what you need to do to move your business forward.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Do you know who you’re talking to? Understanding and defining your target audience is critical for any successful marketing plan. Identify the demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviors of your ideal clients. Review who you attracted in the past year. Were they younger or older than in previous years? Were they mostly existing customers adding policies, or were they first-time clients? Tailor your marketing messages to address their needs, concerns, and life stages. Doing so helps you create more personalized and effective campaigns that resonate with your audience

3. Develop A Strong Online Presence

A strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. Create a professional and user-friendly website that provides comprehensive information about your insurance services, team members, and contact details. If you have a website, take a hard look at it. Does it look contemporary or like when the site first went live? Is it mobile-friendly? Think about the last time you researched a product or service. Chances are you searched on your phone first. Insurance consumers are no different. Your website needs to be mobile-optimized to help future clients easily learn about you and connect with you for more information. Utilize social media platforms to engage with potential clients, share valuable content, and showcase your industry expertise. From TikTok to LinkedIn to Facebook, ensure you supply a steady stream of content for consumers to learn from and enjoy. A well-maintained online presence enhances your credibility and makes it easier for clients to find and connect with your agency.

4. Generate More Content

Content is king. Content marketing is a powerful tool for establishing your agency as an industry authority. Develop a content strategy that includes regular blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos. Create content that educates your audience on insurance-related topics, answers common questions, and addresses concerns. This provides value to your audience and improves your search engine visibility, driving organic traffic to your website. The more meaningful content you generate and is engaged with, the better your search result page ranking and the easier it is for consumers to find you. Be honest, when looking for information, a product, or a service, do you ever look beyond the first page of the search results? Insurance buyers are the same way. Become a content machine, or assign someone within your organization to take on this role to raise your online profile and search ranking. One more thing, while it may be obvious, always include a call to action in your content.

5. Utilize Social Media

Social media platforms are valuable channels for connecting with your audience. Engage in meaningful conversations, share relevant content, and use social media advertising to reach a broader audience. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can be particularly effective for B2B marketing in the insurance industry. Consider your posting days and times. For example, a recent study shows the best time to post on Instagram in 2024 is weekdays between 6:00 ­– 11:00 AM.* However, for LinkedIn, that time varies based on the day of the week. On Monday, it’s 11:00 AM. But on Friday, it’s 8:00 AM.** Does this match with your experience? Review your history, frequency, and which social media posts outperformed the rest to determine peak posting times and days of the week. Review which platform worked best for your business. Establishing a strong social media presence allows you to showcase your agency’s personality, build relationships, and stay top-of-mind with potential customers.

6. Network And Form Partnerships

Building relationships with other businesses, professionals, and community organizations is a strategic approach to expanding your reach. Networking can lead to referrals and partnerships that enhance your agency’s visibility. Consider joining industry associations, attending conferences, and participating in local events to connect with potential clients and collaborators. Think very local. Are there schools near your business you can become a sponsor of? Are you connected to local realtors and auto dealerships? Think about all the businesses within a one-mile radius of your office; which would be good for you to connect with? Now, draw the circle farther out to five miles than ten. These connections can provide valuable insights and open doors to new opportunities for your insurance agency

7. Implement Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to stay in touch with your clients and prospects. Develop a strategy that includes regular updates, valuable content, and exclusive promotions or insights. Keep your email content focused. Emails should peak interest, not tell every milestone your agency has ever had or all the details of a product. An email newsletter is a simple way to touch on a range of topics briefly; include links to your website or the source article for those who want to dive deeper into the topic. Personalize your emails to make them more engaging and relevant. Pay special attention to your email’s subject line and preheader. These should be short, have a call to action, and give a reason for the recipient to open the email. The advantage of email marketing is that it enables you to nurture leads, strengthen client relationships, and keep your audience informed about your insurance products and services.

8. Monitor and Analyze Results

As we mentioned in tip one, regularly monitoring and analyzing the performance of your marketing efforts is crucial. Use analytics tools to measure website traffic, social media engagement, and campaign effectiveness. Analyzing data helps you identify what works and needs improvement, allowing you to refine your marketing strategy over time.

Final Thoughts
Marketing isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it thing. After you apply these eight marketing tips (resolutions) for growing your insurance agency, be ready to adapt your plan based on results, industry changes, and your audience. Consistently refining your strategy, staying informed about trends, and leveraging various marketing channels, your insurance agency can maintain a competitive edge and grow more in 2024.

*P.T., Anoob, “The Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024,” 4 December 2023,

**P.T., Anoob, “What is the best time to post on LinkedIn in 2024,” 4 December 2023,

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